Sturgis Charter Public School - Application Form

Sturgis Charter Public School

Required Fields are indicated by Red Dots.

You may indicate your campus choice in the comment field below "School and Grade". This choice will not be binding.

Once a digital application has been submitted, you will receive an email stating that the application has been recorded. If you do NOT receive an email, that indicates the application has not been received. Please contact us at 508-778-1782 prior to the end of the enrollment period on January 12th. Also a more detailed email will be sent within a week of the application being received.  Make sure that we have properly noted the grade the student is applying for and the applicant pool that the student has been placed in.

M.G.L. c. 71 ยง89 (m) states that charter schools shall be open to all students, on a space available basis, and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, creed, sex, gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, age, ancestry, athletic performance, special need, or proficiency in the English language or a foreign language, or prior academic achievement.

Any and all information requested in the application, such as language spoken at home or race/ethnicity, is not intended and will not be used to discriminate.
The application period is not open.  
Application Status
Application Status
Don't be alarmed to see a blank Lottery Number. You will receive this number after the lottery has been drawn.

All applicants receive the initial status of "Application". This status will be updated and will reflect the state of your application.
Application Date
Applicant Number
Lottery Number
First Name
Please provide identification information for the applicant.

You must fill in first, middle, last names and the date of birth as it appears on the birth certificate. If no middle name, leave blank.
 Required Dot
Middle Name  
Last Name  Required Dot
Date Of Birth
Open the calendar popup.
 Required Dot
City of Birth  Required Dot
Living Arrangements

Member of Military Family
Your child as a Military Family member is eligible for assistance if either parent meets any of the following conditions: Active duty members of the uniformed services, National Guard and Reserve on duty orders and /or Members or veterans who are medically discharged or retired or die on active duty for one (1) year.

Student Phones
Home Phone
Please provide the phone numbers of the applicant.

You will be asked for parent/guardian information further down, at that time you can provide very specific phone numbers.
 Required Dot
Cell Phone
Other Phone
Other Phone Description

Home or Residence Address
Provide the student's home or residence address. This is required information.
 Required Dot
City  Required Dot
State  Required Dot
Postal Code  Required Dot
Mailing Address
Provide a Mailing Address only if it is different than your Home Address.

Postal Code
School and Grade of Application
School And Grade Applying  Required Dot
Campus Preference
Student is currently attending...
Provide the school and grade you are applying for.

Additionally provide us with the school and grade the applicant is currently attending.

Use the Comment box to provide additional information you deem relevant.
Current School District
Current School
Current School - Address
Current School - City
Current School - State
Current School - Postal Code
Current School - Phone
Current School - Fax
Current Grade
Has Sibling currently at Sturgis Charter Public School
Does the applicant have a sibling currently attending Sturgis Charter Public School? If so check the box and fill in the Sibling Name.

Name School Grade Date of Birth
Open the calendar popup.
Open the calendar popup.
Open the calendar popup.
Open the calendar popup.
Open the calendar popup.
First Parent/Guardians
This email will receive a confirmation of the application and a link that will allow you to return to this page to review your application or check its status.
Parent Email
 Required Dot
Retype Parent Email  Required Dot
Relation to Student  Required Dot
First Name  Required Dot
Middle Name
We require that you provide the first and last names for a Parent/Guardian of the applicant.

We also require that you specify the relation of this person with the applicant.

Please provide additional phone numbers if need be (for instance the Cell phone of the Parent/Guardian.
Last Name
 Required Dot
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Work Phone
Other Phone
Other Phone Description
Alert Phone
Enter the phone number that we will use to alert this parent/guardian of snow days, early release, etc.
Second Parents/Guardians
Relation to Student
You may provide us with a second Parent/Guardian if you so choose.
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Work Phone
Other Phone
Other Phone Description
Alert Phone
Enter the phone number that we will use to alert this parent/guardian of snow days, early release, etc.

Once a digital application has been submitted, you will receive an email stating that the application has been recorded. If you do NOT receive an email, that indicates the application has not been received. Please contact us at 508-778-1782.